Monday, October 26, 2009

NOT me Monday!

Ever feel guilty about NOT doing certain things that you know you should be? Well my dearest blogger friends YOU are NOT alone ! I did not stumble on this blog when cyber snooping on someone elses blog.. check Mckmamas blog at

And I will encourage all of my bloggie friends to visit her and dont be afraid in joining in the fun!

Today it most definately not me who let little G sleep in just to get a little extra bit of me time. It was not me who decided to bring him to daycare for an additional extra Moi time today. I did do my monday clean up but it was not me who spent the morning catching up on Greys Anatomy. oh yes did I mention that it was not me who let little G eat in the living room while watching a Scooby Do marathon? oopsies..
oh yes i did not go to the grocery store today with full intentions in getting all the ingredients for a yummy apple crisp from scratch ... only to stumble on a ready quick :) hopefully everyone will love it.

here is the final product of this yummy smelling apple crisp
wish you were here with me to smell it :)


  1. Your post made me laugh. That sounds SO much like me sometimes! Except the daycare part as I DO home daycare! I have my Monday's off though and I think (ok, I KNOW) I've told a few white lies here and there to make sure I didn't have kid's that day. Everyone needs a ME day!!! I'm off to check out that blog link. Your apple crisp looks yummy. Now quick, grab the box, throw it in the trash and put some cinnamon on the counter and hey!! YOU made that from scratch! LOL!

  2. Looks yummy to me! And really, it is homemade, you make it at home lol
